Perspective changes according to how close or how far we are to the situation. If we are too close, the situation can look larger than life. If we are too far away, we can overlook details. On a …
Epic Grace
There's a lot of grace on my desk today. My coffee mug and recent book I read remind me to keep looking for God's grace. That's what I love to do on the GraceNotes blog. The book, Epic Grace: …
Lemonade, Anyone?
Lemonade on a late summer day is refreshing. It's especially tasty at a craft fair or amusement park. The tart, sweet flavor is thirst quenching. It is pretty easy to make lemonade. Add water …
Taste and See
"Taste and See that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8 Our physical senses help us navigate the world. The Lord has given us taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell that let us know what is going on around …
Blessings in the Busyness
Blessings. Busyness. Those two words summarize the last few weeks. I am thankful for it all. I've had to choose to look at the blessings and not be overwhelmed with the busyness. Sometimes it was …
What is Your Anchor?
What is your anchor during change? Transitions are inevitable, yet so many of us resist them. We get comfortable in our way of doing things. When life is predictable we know what to expect and can …
A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine
"A cheerful heart is good medicine." Proverbs 17:22 What makes your heart cheerful? Here are some things I've seen lately: the late summer return of hummingbirds that provide …
Eliminate and Exchange
Exchange happens every day. We exchange money for food when we are in the check out lane. Consignment stores are popular now, where a trading agreement is made between a seller and buyer, exchanging …
Unique Workmanship
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 What comes to mind when you think of workmanship? I think of something …
Silence the Whispers of Deceit
Beware of the whispers of deceit. These are subtle lies that worm into our heads bringing condemnation, guilt and insecurities. They cause us to question if there is anything good about us. I wish I …
The Battle of Good Intentions
Have you ever felt like you had good intentions but didn’t get the desired result? It can be in a simple thing like baking a cake and leaving it in too long. The timer dings, but you turn it off for …
God is Able
Have you ever tried to cross from one side of a river to the other without a bridge? It takes longer and can be dangerous. Sometimes it is impassable. How can our hearts reach to God when there is …
God’s Heart
Driving on the Interstate, I caught of glimpse of love in the clouds. Can you see the heart? It reminded me of the extent of the love in God's heart, which is higher than the heavens. These verses …
Spiritual Sluggishness in the Heat and Humidity
Stepping outside, the heat and humidity caused my glasses to fog over, temporarily blurring my vision. A few seconds later my sight was once again clear. The heavy air was oppressive. I also …
Spiritually Dry and Thirsty?
Has your spirit ever felt spiritually dry and thirsty? Have you had a drought in your walk with the Lord? During those times, it’s easy to slip into a ‘survival mode’ of not growing, just trying to …
10 Faith Verses
In the New Testament, many faith verses emphasize the saving work of God through Jesus Christ. It is the attitude of complete trust in Christ of reliance on him for all that salvation means (The New …
Mustard Seed of Faith
A little mustard seed charm led me to reminisce about the seed of faith. My grandmother, a widow who raised five children during the 1920's, gave me a little charm bracelet when I was a young …
Snapshots of God’s Grace
Snapshots of God's grace in summer. From watching our grandson for a week to having a vacation in the hills of Tennessee, these summer experiences and snapshots of God's grace have refreshed my …
Abundant Grace and Peace to You
The abundance of His grace and peace surround us. A morning walk around Lake Springdale brought the peace of the Lord to me after a week of windy storms. The sweet scent of honeysuckle floated in the …
Simple Gifts: The Finches Birth Announcement
Simple gifts are sometimes hidden, like a nest in a fern. For the past 2 weeks I have peeked once a day to see the simple gift of the development in a nest. Today I saw all four baby finches breathing …