Holy Week, the last week of Jesus' life, began with praise, endured sorrow, and ended with glory. “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the …
What’s the Difference Between Praise and Thanks?
What the difference between praise and thanks? Many times we use them interchangeably in our prayers. Both of the words are nouns and verbs. Each word has a specific objective, yet the words …
Deep in the Heart of Summer
The heart of summer draws many of us closer to our air conditioners. Temperatures rise, the grass crunches, and flowers shrivel if not watered daily. The joy of planting flowers in spring is replaced …
Summer Praise
In the middle of all your summer responsibilities and activities, stop a moment to reflect on the goodness of God and offer worship to the Lord. Take a praise break. Glorify the Lord with me; let us …
Praise and Thanks
What’s the difference between offering praise and thanks? Praise and thanks are closely connected but separate. Each has a specific objective, yet they overlap in purpose. In thanksgiving we list …
Praise and Thanks
What’s the difference between offering praise and thanks? Praise and thanks are closely connected but separate. Each has a specific objective, yet they overlap in purpose. In thanksgiving we list …
Praise in Personal Worship
How can we incorporate praise into personal worship? Praise honors God for who He is. He is worthy of our praise. With so many distractions that bombard us everyday, it's hard to focus and remember …
God’s Heart
Driving on the Interstate, I caught of glimpse of love in the clouds. Can you see the heart? It reminded me of the extent of the love in God's heart, which is higher than the heavens. These verses …
A Song for Earth Day
The hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" was in my mind during my morning walk. What an appropriate song on Earth Day! Earth Day is a good reminder to take care of the planet, but it is also a time to …