Do you need a refuge to rest your spirit in the storms of life? The finch nest is secluded in a hanging fern near my back door. The mama stays on the eggs where I can't see her. But when I open the …
Faith at the End of the Day: The Mulligan Day
Have you ever had a day when you wished you could do it over? In golf that's called a mulligan. I had a day like that recently where I moved from faith to weakness within a few hours. The day started …
The Boomerang Blessing of Serving
Serving others takes many forms. It can be providing childcare for a single mom, volunteering at school or a non-profit organization or church. For me, it has taken the form of picking up a neighbor …
Daydreaming a Prayer
Remember the fun of daydreaming? Gazing at fluffy clouds imagining different creatures in the sky? What a simple joy! On my walk the other day I couldn't help but notice the clouds. The bright blue …
Fearful or Courageous?
Have you ever felt fearful and powerless, needing courage? Perhaps you've been shaken by rejection and fear to try again. You keep trying, but your best isn't good enough. Maybe you lived out your …
A Song for Earth Day
The hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" was in my mind during my morning walk. What an appropriate song on Earth Day! Earth Day is a good reminder to take care of the planet, but it is also a time to …
Celebrating Resurrection Week, Part 2
Reflections on the Resurrection (continued from the previous post) Consider these additional blessings as a result of the Resurrection: 1. The Resurrection brings us triumph over death. We do not …
Celebrating Resurrection Week, Part 1
Reflecting on the Resurrection Part 1 Everyday life continues after the celebration of the Resurrection. What difference does the Resurrection make? Reflect on these thoughts: 1. This event is …
Waiting for Redemption
Spring has struggled to appear this year. From Groundhog’s Day forward we have anticipated the end of winter, but the yoyo weather kept us guessing when the change will stay. Occasionally there’s …
A Marriage that Pleases God, Part 2
Marriage begins with the hope of living happily ever after. However, the reality is, like life in general, it gets messy. The husband-wife relationship gets tangled up with work responsibilities, …
A Marriage that Pleases God, Part 1
How can marriage please God? So we make it our goal to please him, whether at home or in the body. 2 Corinthians 5:9 The goal of the life of a Christ-follower is to …
Hope and Refuge in the Craziness of Life
Remember playing tag and having a refuge of home base? It was the place where you were safe. You couldn't be tagged 'it.' Home base was a refuge of security for the fast ones who got there first. …
Continue in Thanksgiving
Do embers of thanksgiving linger in your heart as the Christmas season quickly approaches? Psalm 107 reveals 5 ways to continue to pray with thanksgiving each day. 1. “Give thanks to the Lord, for …
Overcoming Risk
“Do you have rocks in your head?” Although it’s a startling question, I knew what the person had in mind. Recently we returned home from a pleasant autumn vacation to Vermont where we gained the …
Is the Daily Grind Getting to You?
There’s no way around it. We are busier beyond what we can handle. The flurry of activity of the daily grind becomes a badge of identification stating “I have so much to do.” We become addicted to …
Are You a Lifelong Learner?
“Daddy I have the best teacher EVER! Those words drifted through my open windows on the first day of school. Outside a little girl trotted home in her new school clothes and backpack.Her excitement …
Training for Life
One foot, then the other, is carefully positioned ready to spring into action. Fingers poised on the starting line. Determination in their eyes. A hush of quietness for a brief moment covers the …
Hot? Dry? Thirsty?
Hot? Dry? Thirsty? 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of …
Do You Hold God’s Hand?
Do you hold God's hand? The small crowd headed toward the parking lot after exiting the theme park. I chatted with a woman as she jostled her two young grandchildren. Walking away in the group, a …
Pathway to Praise: Renewed Hope
“We had hoped he was the one who was going to redeem Israel.” Luke 24:21 The early believers of Jesus Christ walked along the road, downcast and defeated. Hope was lost. Then unexpectedly, a divine …