Stepping outside, the heat and humidity caused my glasses to fog over, temporarily blurring my vision. A few seconds later my sight was once again clear. The heavy air was oppressive. I also felt the spiritual sluggishness from carrying a heart burden.
The heaviness of water vapor in the air felt oppressive, making it harder to breathe. Temperatures over ninety degrees with high humidity make us sluggish, quickly draining energy. Our bodies work harder to cool us down. Sweat does not evaporate when the air is saturated with moisture. As a result we feel sticky and uncomfortable.
Just as summer humidity affects us physically, heaviness of spirit affects our walk with the Lord, draining our joy. What causes ‘humidity’ in our spirits? Conflict, worry, unforgiveness and bitterness, to name a few things. These sap our spirits, making us feel sticky and uncomfortable in our relationships with others. We become sluggish in seeking the Lord.
Why do we remain sticky and uncomfortable in our hearts when the Lord offers relief?
To overcome spiritual sluggishness, look upward and then inward.
The Psalmist does this in Psalm 51:
“Have mercy on me O God.
Because of your unfailing love, blot out the stain of my sin.”
First, look upward to remember God’s mercy and unfailing love. Then look inward and confess the heaviness of sin.
Receive the grace of forgiveness.
Oh how we need His forgiving love! By remembering the guidance from the Word, the Lord will exchange the hot, sticky humidity of spiritual sluggishness for his refreshing peace.
The result? Through prayer and seeking God, I gained a lighter spirit instead of spiritual sluggishness. His forgiveness brought a new perspective.
Fran Smith
This is excellent, Nancy! Food for thought again! Thank you!
Fran Smith
This is excellent, Nancy! Food for thought again! Thank you!