Reconciliation in marriage is challenging, but is worth the effort. Marriage begins with the hope of living happily ever after, as we've been taught from fairy tales. However, because …
What is the Heart of the Matter?
Life has many distractions that disrupt our relationship with God. Our feelings get offended. We focus on the offense, holding on to the hurt or bitterness. We say or do something that …
Celebrating the Resurrection
Continue celebrating the Resurrection every day! It's not a"one and done" deal. Reflect on memories but keep it's importance in the forefront of your mind. Do you have Easter memories from …
Why Is Heart Posture Important?
Posture is important in life. "Straighten up!" If I slouched as a teenager, Mom poked me between my shoulder blades, as if her words weren't enough of a reminder. Musicians know …
How do You Guard Your Heart?
"I thought you'd call sooner." The voice on the phone was full of criticism and disappointment. I sensed coldness as she continued talking about the stress in her life. I listened, …
What is Your Heart Posture? Draw Near to God Through Forgiveness
Our heart posture matters in how we draw close to God. Psalm 51 shows essential heart postures that can draw us closer to God through receiving His forgiveness. A Needy Heart. Have mercy on …
What is Your Heart Posture? Draw Near to God Through ForgivenessRead More
Grace in the Midst of Disappointment
Have you ever been disappointed by someone who couldn't keep their promise to you? The other day I dealt with such an issue. I received word that something would not happen and was asked …
Spiritual Sluggishness in the Heat and Humidity
Stepping outside, the heat and humidity caused my glasses to fog over, temporarily blurring my vision. A few seconds later my sight was once again clear. The heavy air was oppressive. I also …
Celebrating Resurrection Week, Part 2
Reflections on the Resurrection (continued from the previous post) Consider these additional blessings as a result of the Resurrection: 1. The Resurrection brings us triumph over death. We do not …
Celebrating Resurrection Week, Part 1
Reflecting on the Resurrection Part 1 Everyday life continues after the celebration of the Resurrection. What difference does the Resurrection make? Reflect on these thoughts: 1. This event is …