What fills your heart? Gratitude or gripes? Is it words of thanks or complaints about lacking of something? Studies have shown that thankfulness makes us healthier. In one …
Do You Know Your Identity in Christ?
Do you know your identity in Christ? We can define ourselves by our roles, our work, or our family but those descriptions are not our true identity. So many situations …
What is the Heart of the Matter?
Life has many distractions that disrupt our relationship with God. Our feelings get offended. We focus on the offense, holding on to the hurt or bitterness. We say or do something that …
Twos Day Random Thoughts
Today is a unique date! Consider these random thoughts on "Twos Day". February 22, 2022, written out 2/22/22, falls on Tuesday this year. It truly is "Twos …
Reflections on Freedom: Pray for America the Beautiful
America, the Beautiful stirs my heart whenever I hear it sung. The fabric of our country has been woven through the centuries with the strength and faith of her people. The courage of early …
Reflections on Freedom: Pray for America the BeautifulRead More
Ready for Spring Cleanup?
Spring cleanup takes a lot of forms, from cleaning inside the house to sprucing up the yard. The other day I tackled some long overdue yard work, raking old leaves from fence line and …
How Can We Abide in the Lord?
In spring, each day brings something new. The leaves on trees and blooms on flowers appear, especially after rain. Birds are building nests, selecting safe places for their young. Many nests are …
Need Rest and a Change of Scenery?
Have you ever needed rest and a change of scenery? The pandemic has limited social involvement and entertainment. One of my favorite hashtags of the past year is #stuckathome. Can you …
Celebrating the Resurrection
Continue celebrating the Resurrection every day! It's not a"one and done" deal. Reflect on memories but keep it's importance in the forefront of your mind. Do you have Easter memories from …
3 Keys to Live with Confidence in a Changeable World
Spring is coming, bringing the hope of change to warmer weather. A few warm days teased me to think winter is over. It’s time to put away the heavy winter sweaters. But then a late winter …
3 Keys to Live with Confidence in a Changeable WorldRead More
The Heart of Perspective
The mid-winter trees sparkled with frozen beauty. The branches glistened from frozen fog and light snow. But when I looked at the other side of the trees, the limbs appeared …
Set Goals to Grow in the New Year – Deep Rooted
Today I'm pleased to welcome guest blogger Kathy Howard, author of the new release, “Deep Rooted.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This time of year, …
The Greatest Gift: Redemption, Born in the Manger
God has given us the greatest gift at Christmas. The gift was Jesus, born in a manger for our redemption from the curse of sin and death. "For God so loved the world …
Worship Through Prayer in Times of Uncertainty
Worship appears throughout the Christmas story, not just at the birth of the Savior. When Mary learned that she would be the mother of Jesus, she asked the angel "How can this be?" The …
Are You Weary in Prayer? Press On!
Do you ever feel weary in prayer? Waiting for an answer seems long. We get impatient and want to give up. At those times, we have to remember Jesus’ words in Luke …
Why is Prayer Important?
The pandemic has been challenging to keep in touch with family and friends; sometimes it is easy, other times it is hard. If I don’t communicate with loved ones, how would they know me? How would I …