Hatchlings in a nest. A baby asleep in mom’s arms. A family hunkered in a warm house while a winter storm paralyzes the outside world in snow and ice. All these are images of security.
Security connotes freedom from danger, fear, or risk. It is well-grounded confidence in the something that offers protection and defense.
Life changes can affect your sense of security. A relationship goes bad from a misunderstanding. A long time friend gets offended. A marriage crumbles from lack of trust. The loss of a job creates financial insecurity. A scary health diagnosis throws you off. Security is disrupted through these kinds of life events.
When a storm rages around you–whether it is a physical thunderstorm or a personal crisis that shakes you to the core–where is your security? In people? In possessions? These will fail.
One source of security never fails.
“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27
True security for the soul is in the Lord.
Knowing God’s character builds our faith and our relationship with Him. Faith in His sovereignty keeps me steady when life gets turned upside down. When I had a cancer diagnosis, I knew I was in God’s hands. His strong arms carried me when I was weak. As I’ve gotten to know more about the character of God through scripture, I am more trusting of Him.
Each day we can choose where our true security lies–in the temporal things we see or in the sovereignty of the Lord.
The bird’s nest in this picture went deep into the leaves of the fern.
When the bird was finished with it, I pulled the nest out of the plant. It took quite a bit of time, because the bird intricately wove twigs, leaves, yarn and soft pieces of batting among the fronds of the fern. I was amazed at the depth of the nest and the refuge for the babies.
Isn’t that like God? He is our refuge, strong and secure. We can abide in the Lord.
Are you needing a place of security for your soul? Look to the eternal God as a refuge.
helen Hoover
Amen, Nancy