This is the time of year we think about resolutions, goals, a fresh start, and TIME. A new year has begun with all its promise, opportunity and challenge.
We have many choices ahead regarding how we will spend our time. What will each of us do with the same 24 hours in each day, the same 365 days in 2014?
“Time is a resource that is non-renewable and non-transferable. You cannot store it, slow it up, hold it up, divide it up or give it up. You can’t hoard it up or save it for a rainy day—when it’s lost it is unrecoverable. When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.” ~A. W. Tozer
Wow. In this day of concern for non-renewable resources, do we stop to consider time as one of them? It is something that vanishes every day and cannot be replenished.
The Word of God gives us direction for utilizing time.
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 NIV
Moses, the author of these words, shares insight on the use of time:
1. Seek God to see what is most important. Moses was a leader who depended on God to lead His people. He asks for God to teach him. In the everyday details of life, can you ask God to teach you how best to use your time? Create a daily to-do list. If there are still tasks on it at the end of the day, begin tomorrow with those. This simple thing helps overcome flightiness amidst distractions.
2. Realize that time is irreplaceable, a valuable asset given to each of us. Instead of thinking how you are going to spend your time, think about how you are going to invest your time. The verse reminds us that life is short (our days are numbered). Think of it in a positive way: what activities and people nurture you? Make time for more of those and less for the things that drain you. Time invested with the Lord at the beginning of the day increases productivity in the long run.
3. Live wisely, making each day count. The verse focuses on the day, not the year. How can you share the love of God throughout your day? Be diligent to let your light shine in your family and at work. A heart of wisdom results from seeking God and obeying Him.
The days of our lives is not just a soap opera, but the reality show of everyone.
There are many choices for how we will invest our time. What will each of us do with the same 24 hours? Seek God daily and live for Him.
Jenifer Metzger
Amen. Time is so previous and such a gift.
Thank you for linking up with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday! God bless!
Lovely words. Something to be reminded of everyday.
Since this is “my verse for the year”, I really appreciated that you wrote “The verse focuses on the day, not the year.” It’s how we live each day that matters and seeking God first every day is the start to not wasting time foolishly! Thank you for the reminder to live every day wisely!
Thank you for sharing!
Simply Beth
Good wisdom. This really spoke to me… ” think about how you are going to invest your time.”
Thank you for sharing with Three Word Wednesday.
Blessings to you,