Lent began on Ash Wednesday, marking the forty days before Easter. Ash Wednesday is the day of remembering our human condition of sinfulness and our need for God’s forgiveness.
Lent can be a time to reflect on growing closer to God, for introspection about our human condition, sinful and broken. Some Christian traditions emphasize this special season.
The time leading up to Easter can be a time to draw closer to God. Some ideas for this are fasting from something that distracts you from spiritual growth. Or, try setting aside a few more minutes for prayer and Bible study. Give up something to make room for more of the Lord.
During Lent, pause to look in both directions, inward and upward.
Look inward at our our sin, the impure fog of our soul—our pride, selfishness, and brokenness. Self reflection exposes our inner thoughts before the Lord. It’s uncomfortable to see the dark side of our hearts, where pride and bitterness dwell.
At this point, consider what Jesus did to cleanse us from sin.
When we look upward, we see Jesus’ completed purpose as we reflect on the journey of His life to the garden, the cross and the empty tomb.
We see Him carry the cross of our sin, dying for the burden of our souls.
When we look upward, we see His resurrection hope over death.
Look upward and embrace the love of God in the journey of Lent.
The journey of Lent provides a way for us to stand before Him, blameless and pure.
The glorious “Alleluias” of Easter lie ahead, but first we must pause on the threshold of Lent to gaze in two directions—inward and upward.
But first we must cross the threshold of the journey into Lent. Make room in your life for more of God.
Will you join me in drawing closer to God?
For more inspiration on trusting the peace of God, please listen to my interview with Eric Niven on his podcast, Halfway There.