Do you feel stuck, needing transformation?
Often we hope for something to change, but things stay the same. We hope that change will be instantaneous, like an ordinary person being a recipient of a special serum who then becomes a superhero saving the world. Not in real life.
And then we wonder why our faith stagnates.
Many people in the Bible were minding their own lives when God got ahold of them in a dramatic way.
Moses was watching sheep when God spoke to him in the burning bush, changing his life direction (Exodus 3:1-4). Isaiah was in the temple when God appeared. His perspective went from one of fear to readiness in serving God (Isaiah 6:1-6). Mary, a young pregnant teenager, moved from fear to worship and obedience (Luke 1:26-38).God molded her attitude and heart.
All gained a different perspective from a fresh revelation of God that changed their lives forever.
God changed the viewpoint and vision for their lives, transforming them into vessels that He could use.
When we pray and ask God to reveal our next step, we wait but get impatient. In His time God will reveal our next step. By calming our minds and hearts in His presence, He will lead us. Even when we get anxious and think nothing is happening, God is at work.
Today I felt stuck and discouraged, needing fresh revelation from God. Packing my Bible and water bottle, I found a peaceful spot at a quiet pavilion along a trail. I needed to hear from God.
He reassured me that He is at work even when I can’t see evidence of transformation.
The Lord works in our lives moment by moment—through prayer, reading the Bible, and listening to God’s still, small voice.
Stories of superheroes make for thrilling movies. Their quick transformation changes the world immediately. But it’s an illusion. Real life doesn’t work that way.
Romans 12:2 offers good counsel for getting unstuck.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
By looking to the Lord, we gain new revelation. He can help us get unstuck.
He will lead us whether we wait or step out to serve Him.
And the transformation in the heart and mind will be genuine, not an illusion.
Joanne Viola (@JViola79)
Nancy, such a good reminder – our God is always at work – even when we may feel stagnate. Blessings today!
Nancy Kay Grace
Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed with remembering that God is always at work.
Joanne Norton
I’m a Revelation addict! Worship and pray and look forward to any of it that is hitting our world and hitting into our lives. I’m focusing on Heaven, and Revelation has been one of my favorites for many, many years. [AND, sorry, since I can’t read things very well or write very well now, b/c of my dementia and very tired and very sick, it’s very hard to try to see anything. Just wanted to tell you. Again, I can do a little, but can’t do it very well. Bless you for sharing!]
Nancy Kay Grace
Thank you for sharing! May you be blessed in God’s grace.