When troubles abound, do you yearn for good news? Instead, can you see the simple blessings that are around you?
Even when hope seems lost, the Lord is there. Our challenge is to open our eyes to see blessings around us. In doing so, we gain hope and perspective. God love us so much, that He sent Jesus to be our Savior. He redeemed us, drawing back to Him. When we’re in the midst of a storm, it’s easy to forget those powerful, undeserved blessings.
Some of the blessings from God are described in Zephaniah 3:17.
God promises His presence; He will not abandon us.
For the Lord your God is living among you.
God is powerful to save; He is the great redeemer.
He is a mighty savior.
Even though He is omnipotent and holy, God finds pleasure in us, His creation.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
His love reaches out to us, quieting us when we tremble. God is bigger than our fears.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
God enjoys us, because He created us and we are made in His image. We have a family resemblance that brings joy to Him.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.
Like a parent comforting a scared child, God’s love calms the anxious heart. He wraps His arms around us with great love.
The blessings of the Lord are all around us and are found in His Word.
We need eyes to see them when the darkness closes in or we feel lonely.
Reflect on the simple blessings around you—the changing leaves, the hug from a child, the love from your spouse. Remember how God has provided for you in the past and that He will continue to do so. Let the gratitude flow into worship for all the Lord has done in each day.
What blessings do you see?
excellent, Nancy
Nancy Kay Grace
Thanks, Helen! I’m sure you saw many blessings on trip out west! May you be blessed!
Dorothy Johnson
Good reminders that we can always find something to rejoice in and get our mind off what has us down. Thanks.
Nancy Kay Grace
Thanks, Dorothy! Yes, it is so easy to let things get us down. Keep looking up!
I love Zephaniah 3:17 – amazing to think God sings over us!
I’m a firm believer in counting your blessings every day. They are there if you just have eyes to see.
Nancy Kay Grace
So true! Thanks for stopping by!
Kayla Shown-Dean
Great advice and a lovely reminder of the scripture. Thanks for sharing!
Nancy Kay Grace
Thanks, Kayla! Be blessed!