Christmas images of love stir sentimental scenes created from movies where people are cozy and happy. However, often real life is the opposite of those images.
The love of God given at Christmas is more than sentimentality–it is fierce and relentless, seeking each one of us.
The redeeming love from God broke into history with the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus became like us. He traded the beauty of heaven for birth in a smelly manger. The Son of God breathed our air and walked this dusty earth.
God gave us this gift because of our need for a Savior to redeem our hearts from the darkness of sin.
God’s love broke through the grip of sin.
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9 NIV
This great love is undeserved. We cannot earn it. But God loves us anyway.
The Christmas story isn’t about God seeing how nice we were and coming down to spend time with sweet people. It is the story of God seeing hurting and sinful people and taking action to bring us back into relationship with him. It’s a story of redemption through grace and love.
The world changed when love was born on Christmas.
The silent night of Jesus’s birth brought hope, peace, joy, and love to all. When we surrender to God’s great love through Jesus, our hearts are transformed.
A life changed by the love of God is proof of the redeeming power of Christmas.
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:11 NIV
With God’s love we can reach out to others.
It can be as simple as smiling at the cashier or saying kind words to those in the checkout line of the store. It can be shown through patience with the children in our lives. When we choose forgiveness instead of bitterness, the love of God shines in our lives.
The love of God is more than sentimentality.
It is far reaching, life-changing, and much needed in our world.
We are to share this love so that others may know him.
How will you show the love of God to others?
Nancy, you have an awesome gift. This was a very heart felt post and one we, I, need to practice more of. Just as you desire this love and the need to share, so do I. Our world certainly can use more of Jesus love and it’s our responsibility to proclaim it. My pastor said he’d like a sign that said: Jesus is the Season, and We are the Reason. That’s love. Have a blessed Christmas.
Micheal Taylor
I needed The Message reiterated now. Thank you!
Nancy Kay Grace
Thanks, JoAnne! Yes-the world more of Jesus love. It is amazing that God has entrusted us with the message of hope, peace, joy, and love. Thanks for how you share the message of hope. Be blessed!
Nancy Kay Grace
Thanks, Michael for stopping by to comment. May you be blessed with the love of Christmas!