Reconciliation in marriage is challenging, but is worth the effort. Marriage begins with the hope of living happily ever after, as we've been taught from fairy tales. However, because …
One Proposal for an Improved Marriage
Today's guest post is by Lori Lipsky. She shares a marriage tip about reading a book together. My husband and I have read books together and benefitted from the conversations based on book content. I …
A Marriage that Pleases God, Part 2
Marriage begins with the hope of living happily ever after. However, the reality is, like life in general, it gets messy. The husband-wife relationship gets tangled up with work responsibilities, …
A Marriage that Pleases God, Part 1
How can marriage please God? So we make it our goal to please him, whether at home or in the body. 2 Corinthians 5:9 The goal of the life of a Christ-follower is to …