Passover. The Last Supper. The Garden. The betrayal and arrest. The beatings and crucifixion. The tomb. When you think of the events of the final days of Jesus’ life on earth, is there one that impresses more than the rest? I find it hard to distinguish any one aspect of Christ’s journey to our redemption. One thing was certain: Jesus sought to glorify the Father in everything. He surrendered to redemption’s plan.
He surrendered.
Jesus willingly surrendered to the Father’s plan for our redemption. He prayed. Ultimately, Jesus knew His purpose–to serve and give his life as a ransom for many, for us. The suffering servant forgave those who betrayed and denounced Him. He surrendered to serve and forgive.
Jesus became the Passover Lamb for us. He raised the bread and cup, ushering in a new covenant of forgiveness.
He carried the cross down the Way of Suffering, the Via Dolorosa.
On the cross, beaten and bleeding, Jesus still loved, still spoke words of forgiveness. He loved us with His life. He loved us to the point of death. Jesus surrendered to complete the plan of redemption, bringing us back into relationship with God the Father.
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5: 21 NIV.
He committed His spirit to the Father and exhaled His last breath. Surrendered everything.
Taken from the cross, placed in a tomb.
Despair hung on the followers. Hope was gone. Or so they thought.
A greater plan unfolded, unseen to the eyewitnesses but visible to the God of grace and mercy.
The best was yet to come–a brighter sunrise, a fresher hope on Resurrection morning. Jesus surrendered to redemption’s plan that we might live in Him, that the Father would be glorified. The power of grace spoke the last word over sin and death.
It comes down to this: What will you do with redemption’s plan?
Thank you, Nancy! You gave me new insight in that picture of Jesus’ words! I had never thought of The Living Water being thirsty!
Also, I loved your ending sentence; “The power of grace spoke the last word over sin and death.”
Hallelujah! He has risen!
Nancy Kay Grace
thanks, Fran! May you be blessed with resurrection joy!
Nancy Kay Grace
thanks, Fran! May you be blessed with resurrection joy!